
If you’re an unsigned artist in Nigeria, you want to ensure that you are as successful as possible. This is why many people are trying to find ways to improve their music careers. Some tips and tricks can help you get a better music career (and make more money simultaneously).

Music can be a great way to express yourself. It is a form of art, and many people enjoy collecting music. If you are serious about making music your career, it can be challenging to get started. You will have to balance many aspects, but with proper planning and preparation, you will be well on your way to success.

We’ve all heard the story of a young boy living in a poor neighborhood who goes to school without lunch. He then works hard to bring food for his family and friends, but it’s not enough. Eventually, he meets an older man who tells him: “You’re good at bringing food home; now how about bringing something else home?” That’s what I’m talking about! Successful artists can make a living from their craft, get people excited about their work, and inspire others to follow in their footsteps. So here are my top tips for becoming successful as an unsigned Nigerian artist:

Promote Yourself as Much as you Can

  • Promote yourself as much as you can.
  • If you’re not already doing so, start posting relevant to your music and/or the industry on social media accounts. You can post about what you’re up to and whom you’ve played shows with or at, and try to get people interested in following your pages (it’s free).
  • Get yourself out there! Attend events like festivals or concerts where people will see firsthand how talented they think of themselves when they see someone new who reminds them of their favorite artiste (which means that person won’t lose any credibility).
  • The press is another way for artists to get exposure—they’ll probably write stories about how awesome someone else is now and again too.”
upcoming artist in Nigeria

Invest in Yourself and your Career

  • Invest in yourself.
  • Invest in your career.
  • Invest in your talent and music.

Get a Mentor

A mentor can help your music career and personal and business development. Looking for a mentor who has been down this road before is essential. A good mentor can give you advice on how to get started in the industry and guidance on building your brand and marketing strategy.

Improve your Craft

  • Practice makes perfect.
  • Record yourself and listen to your recordings.
  • Practice, practice, practice! Don’t be afraid of criticism in the process. You will get better with time if you keep working on it, and don’t let anything discourage you from doing so!

Be Patient and Persistent With Your Music Career

The first thing to remember is that patience and persistence are key. You’ll find that there will be times when you feel discouraged, but this should not be an excuse to give up on your music career.

There are many ways you can stay patient and persistent with your music career:

  • Be patient with yourself. Sometimes we get frustrated when things don’t go our way because we think it means there’s something wrong with us or our ability as artists; this isn’t true! The important thing is to keep working hard until success comes around eventually 🙂 #KeepPatient

Be Ready to Make Sacrifices

Sacrifices are a part of the journey. The sacrifices you make are necessary to achieve your goals, and they are temporary, but they can help you get there faster.

upcoming artist in Nigeria
  • Sacrifice time by doing things that don’t matter as much as what matters most in your life right now. For example, if you want to become successful as an artist, then maybe it is best not to spend all day reading blogs or watching videos on YouTube when there is so much time wasted on meaningless stuff like that!
  • Sacrifice money whenever possible. This may mean that sometimes we have to take on more than one job just so we can afford our dreams at the end of each month, or maybe even quit one job before moving on to another with higher pay because those extra bucks would be better spent towards achieving our dreams instead?

Being an unsigned artist in Nigeria is no easy task.

Being an unsigned artist in Nigeria is no easy task. You have to be patient, persistent, and ready to make sacrifices. You need to promote yourself as much as you can and invest in yourself and your career.


As I have written above, being an unsigned artist in Nigeria is no easy task. It requires a lot of hard work and dedication, but the rewards are well worth it! If you want to be successful as an unsigned artist in Nigeria, I would recommend that you follow these steps: firstly, promote yourself as much as possible; secondly, invest in yourself and your career; thirdly, get a mentor who will help guide you through this process; fourthly improve your craft by regularly practicing with other musicians (you can even find online lessons!). Lastly, make sure all those sacrifices are worth it before giving up hope because, without perseverance, success is just impossible.

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